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The Week in Instagram Food Porn: 1 August, 2015

Happy New Month!

We need a little favor from you guys. Chef Flo, from The Lunch Club @ Miele, has 5-year-old daughter that has been diagnosed with A.D.D, Speech and other Developmental Delays. 

A GoFundMe has been set up to raise £50k for her speech, occupational and cognitive therapy in England . We would love it if you could help Chef Flo in whatever way you can.

Hans & Rene is also doing a little something special for Kamara. 

Back to regular scheduled programming...

If you haven't filled out your #SwallowWars bracket for the quarterfinals, stop whatever you're doing and go do it now. 

As usual, click the image and it takes you directly to the user's instagram, which you should probably follow. Go forth and prosper, brethren.

We love your pictures and if you want to share your Instagram food porn with us, just use the #EatDrinkLagos hashtag or tag Eat.Drink.Lagos on your picture. We'll put our favorites together and share them in our Saturday Instagram roundup.