Can You Tell How Good Your Takeout Will Be Just by the Container? This TikToker Has Hacked It

TikToker, @giovaniww calls this video “your official guide on how good your food’s going to be based on the takeout container” — a scientific approach/ranking so apt, that we should take the information and turn it into a book.

Restaurants use this psychology on us all the time, and it works! When your meal comes in a takeout container that’s box-shaped and made of brown cardboard (à la Asian takeout), or sleek black foam with compartments, you’re more likely to rate the food inside higher — I know I do 👀.

We’ve all come to realise that a basic transparent takeout container like this A is for correct amala and gbegiri from a joint with rude servers and a rusty ceiling fan, while a larger polystyrene container like B looks like waffles and chicken, or some really good buttermilk pancakes belong in there. That’s on period.

@giovaniww How good your foods going to be based on the take out containers #greenscreen #food #takeout #delivery #foodie ♬ Elevator Music - Bohoman

According to @giovaniww, you can even tell how great the accompanying sauce is going to taste based on which type of container your food is packaged in, which is hilarious and wildly accurate too 😂 BONUS POINTS if the chef handling your food is wearing black gloves — you know you’re about to be spoiled!

Because when it comes down to it, the packaging goes beyond just packaging, amirite?


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