For the Love of Food: 10 Questions with Jola Ayeye 🍕

In this all-new series, we’re catching up with your faves in the media, entertainment and pop culture scene to ask hard-hitting questions and discuss pressing world issues — like where to find the best suya on the Island, or whether or not fish pie should *really* be a thing, y’know?

Today, we chat with writer, storyteller, Twitter aficionado and full-time foodie, Jola Ayeye. Enjoy!

EatDrinkLagos: The yummiest thing you’ve eaten lately?

Jola: Hmmm, this is tough oh. There’s this suya cheese naan at a new Indian restaurant in VI - Chapters. I really liked it! Also, banana bread from this IG vendor, crèmebruleelagos.

EatDrinkLagos: Your go-to restaurant in Lagos?

Jola: Lol what’s that? It’s as the spirit leads oh. I quite like HSE sha — delicious consistency on point.

EatDrinkLagos: The best ice cream flavour of all time?

Jola: Vanilla. Argue with your family members, because it’s not me that will answer you ✌🏾

EatDrinkLagos: No beef for a year or no chicken for a year?

Jola: No beef. Easy.

EatDrinkLagos: Meat pie or sausage roll?

Jola: Depends on where it’s from. Meanwhile, I really need Hans & René to start making sausage rolls oh. It’s urgent!

EatDrinkLagos: Ordering in or eating out?

Jola: Depends on whether or not I have clothes to wear that day and if I have friends to go with. Okay, out… I prefer eating out.

EatDrinkLagos: The one thing you can cook in your sleep?

Jola: Peppery chicken stew 😋

EatDrinkLagos: An Affogato is an Italian dessert of coffee and what ingredient? (No googling!)

Jola: Cream? (Jola was close — it’s actually ice cream!)

EatDrinkLagos: What is the most expensive spice in the world by weight? (No googling!)

Jola: Nutmeg? (Jola wasn’t close — it’s actually saffron!)

EatDrinkLagos: You have to remove one of these from your plate of small chops — puff puff, battered hot dog or grilled chicken?

Jola: Battered hot dog! Abeg, what that? That’s not how we roll in this Laygursss 😂


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