5 Hacks For Drinking Without Consequences

Think about the worst hangover you ever had, how you felt like you were at the point of death. Imagine how hard your body must have worked to clear out all the toxins with no help from you. Lucky for you, this year could be the one where you drink without consequences because I found these alcohol biohacks to prolong the good effects of being tipsy, some to mop up the toxins released by alcohol absorption and some to actually help your liver cleanse.

Some people have made it their life’s work to find out how to drink alcohol with the least amount of damage to the body, and these years of research have birthed several tried and trusted biohacks. These biohacks are scientifically-backed methods for drinking alcohol without the harmful side effects of dehydration, ageing and of course, the almighty hangover-essentially creating a shortcut so you can drink without damaging your liver.

Let’s cut to the chase: before you head out this weekend, try one (or a combination) of these hacks.

Take 1000mg Of Vitamin C Before You Go Out

Photo: The Good Estate

Photo: The Good Estate

Vitamin C is a major component in the production of glutathione, which protects the liver against the products of alcohol metabolism. So, you can fortify your liver before drinking, and get little or no hangover as a  result. A win-win.

Eat A High-Protein Meal Before Going Out To Drink


But not just anything, make sure your food is rich in fat, protein and fibre. This slows down the absorption of alcohol and prevents the sick rush that comes with a hangover because the effects are stretched out over a longer time so you won’t feel it as much. This was one of the first “adult” tips my dad gave me, and it has never failed.

Take Vitamin B

Photo: Healthline

Photo: Healthline

You know that feeling of drowsiness and tiredness that comes when the high of drinking has passed? That’s due to all the vitamin B your body lost after metabolising alcohol. To cushion this effect, take a B vitamin before you go to bed after drinking, and one again in the morning to remain alert.

Activated charcoal

Photo: Medical News Today

Photo: Medical News Today

Activated charcoal is a potent antitoxin, and it will cut that hangover effect in half by mopping up the toxic products of alcohol fermentation that cause dizziness and nausea after a night of partying. Just mix in a teaspoon in a glass of water when you get home, and go to sleep.

Drink water with your alcohol


Even if you don’t want a big gulp of water just after your beer, having a bottle of water before you drink or making your drinks with ice works too. Water does the same thing food does-it slows down the absorption of alcohol with the added benefit of inducing peeing so you can excrete those toxins faster.

Hack your cocktails


If you’re a cocktail lover, then you should learn to drink it the best way. The least toxic alcoholic drinks include vodka, gin, tequila and red wine. You should also try mixing your drinks with healthier, hydrating mixers like green tea, fresh fruit juices (like limes and lemons), coconut water, and surprisingly, low-sugar energy drinks.

TGIF is about to be lit this year!


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