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Chef Secrets Revealed: 10 Effortless Ways to Make Restaurant-Quality Food at Home

The first time I truly understood how much Nigerian home cooking has been influenced by the presence of MSG-laden products was a few years ago, when I sat with a friend at a French-inspired restaurant in Lagos and watched our meat being prepared with just good-quality butter and fresh rosemary. I’m not at all big on red meat, but this was one of the tastiest cuts of beef I’d ever had — made quite literally with less than a handful of things. It sunk in then that there’s a lot more about cooking and ingredient use that I had to learn to become a better home cook myself.

Speaking to a few experienced Nigerian chefs, it’s clear that’s the case. There’s a lot to digest — from how to perfect smokey Jollof, to identifying the correct garnish that will help bring a meal to life. When it comes to seasoning your food, for instance, ÀTIJE’s Chef Moyo emphasises the importance of including a variety of spices in your daily cooking. “It’s a big one,” she says. “As home cooks, we tend to make do with what we have — an onion here, a sprig of thyme here, but restaurants tend to have standard recipes that they always follow and make sure to include all the layers of flavour, every single time.”

Use a variety of spices and aromatics like herbs, onions, garlic, and toasted whole spices to add layers of flavor. 

📌 Chef Moyo’s TOP Tip:

“Don’t skimp on the aromatics. Use herbs and spices, don’t be afraid to toast your whole spices and grind them as you need them, and caramelise the onions when the recipes call for it.”

Building layers of flavor through herbs, spices, onions, garlic and other aromatics is key. As Chef Moyo notes, restaurants carefully follow recipes to consistently incorporate these elements while home cooks often have to improvise with what’s on hand. But using plenty of aromatics makes a big difference, so don’t skimp!

Make your own stocks with animal bones, vegetables, and aromatics to develop a richer, deeper flavor.

Restaurants will use bones and aromatics to make deeply flavored stocks, while home cooks boil stock while cooking meat. Make your own stock separate from the meal for a professional flavor boost.

Garnishes like fresh herbs, citrus, and herb oils not only make food look good but provide bursts of fresh flavor. 

Garnishes add flavor and freshness along with visual appeal. A sprinkle of herbs, squeeze of citrus or drizzle of herb oil can really make flavors pop. 

A pinch of salt goes a long way in enhancing flavor. Taste and season thoughtfully.

Speaking of the power of simple ingredients, DO Bowls’ Chef Dami points out that a good pinch of salt is one of the most overlooked steps when making a great-tasting meal. “Before adding any extra salt, though, always taste with a fresh spoon and a very rinsed mouth (i.e. drink water), especially when cooking a lot of food. It lets you know how over or under-seasoned your cooking is.”

Photo by Klaus Nielsen | Pexels

Undercook pasta slightly so it doesn't get mushy when mixed with sauce. You can always cook it more. 

Pasta easily gets overcooked, so Chef Dami recommends slightly undercooking it since you can always cook it more when adding the sauce. 

Let tomato-based sauces like jollof smoke a bit to get that delicious smokey flavor.

For the all-important Party Jollof taste and smell we all crave, Chef Dami has a simple trick that works every time: “When making the base, we ensure we let the tomato base itself smoke to really get that desired result.”

Add a knob of good quality butter or herbs like rosemary while cooking meat to bring out natural flavors.

High quality butter or herbs enhance the natural flavor of meats beautifully. This restaurant technique works at home too.

Caramelize onions when recipes call for it to add depth, sweetness, and complexity.

Caramelized onions add so much flavor. If a recipe says to caramelize them, take the time to do so for best results.

Toast whole spices then grind them as needed for the freshest, most aromatic flavor. 

Toasting before grinding whole spices like cumin or coriander seeds makes them incredibly fragrant and flavorful. Grind as needed.

For stir fries, use high heat but turn it down when you get distracted to avoid burning.

Stir fries need high heat, but keep the temperature knob within reach. If you step away, turn it down to prevent burning.

Cooking like a professional chef takes time and practice, but using these tips from the experts can help boost your home cooking to new levels of flavor. What tips do you have for cooking Nigerian dishes perfectly at home? Share in the comments!

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