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Hump Day Lunch: Ni Fries

Another Wednesday, another Hump Day Lunch

I decided to give Ni Fries another try. I had previously encountered them at the Eat Drink Festival, and my first experience was just decent. However, I wanted to give them another chance and explore more of their menu.

In this video, I'll be sharing my honest review of two dishes from Ni Fries: the Spicy Suya Burger and the Asun Pasta. I'll take you through my experience, discussing the flavors, textures, and overall impression of each dish.

While I had high hopes for these dishes, especially given their intriguing names, I found myself a bit disappointed with the execution. The Asun Pasta, in particular, left me wanting more in terms of authenticity and complexity of flavors. The Spicy Suya Burger, on the other hand, turned out to be more of a Suya Shawarma than a burger, which was a bit unexpected.

However, not all was lost. There were some redeeming qualities to the dishes, such as the unique texture of the pasta and the freshness of the burger bun. I also believe that this type of food might be more appealing to a specific demographic, particularly university students.

Join me as I dive deeper into my Ni Fries experience and share my thoughts on these two dishes. If you've tried Ni Fries before, I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments section below