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Eat Your Doughnut and Have It: Fit-Fam Friendly Doughnuts at Krispy Kreme

As soon as you get on a healthy kick, one of the first things you gain before the weight goes away is that gym guilt. You stray, even slightly, from your diet and you can’t stop beating yourself about it. There’s almost a whole subset of the fitness industry dedicated to it. Guilt-free cookies, anyone?

Look, you can’t “come and die”. If you’re craving that doughnut, then you should probably get one. You probably think that there’s nothing for the calorie-conscious individual, but there are actually some options that may fit into your diet if you know where to look. Your resolution to be healthy can happily coexist with your Krispy Kreme craving.

We got our hands on the nutrition information for items on the Krispy Kreme menu and after our review, here are some sub-300 calorie treats that won’t take you way out of your path.

Bran & Honey Doughnut

150 calories, 5 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein

The newest addition to the Krispy Kreme roster, the Bran & Honey Doughnut was particularly designed for fitness buffs looking to indulge. There’s no glaze, fillings or extra toppings, but it does come with a small tub of honey on the side.

Bran & Honey Doughnut

Crunchy Peanut Butter Doughnut

180 calories, 11 grams of fat, 5 grams of protein

If you’ve been in the gym long enough, you know the perfect snack needs to have the right combination of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fat. The Crunchy Peanut Butter Doughnut at Krispy Kreme packs that punch.

Crunchy Peanut Butter Doughnut

Coconut Ring Doughnut

190 calories, 11 grams of fat, 3 grams of protein

The Coconut Ring Doughnut is a part of the less-sweet line at Krispy Kreme. There’s way less sugar in this than in your favorite “non-fat” Greek yogurt.

Coconut Ring Doughnut

Original Glazed Doughnut

190 calories, 11 grams of fat, 3 grams of protein

Probably the most shocking thing we discovered. The Original Glazed is one of the lowest calorie doughnuts on the menu. At 190 calories, Krispy Kreme’s signature is a solid go-to doughnut.

Original Glazed Doughnut

Chocolate Iced Glazed with Sprinkles Doughnut

250 calories, 11 grams of fat, 3 grams of protein

If you’re craving some chocolate but not the additional fat, the Chocolate Iced Glazed Doughnut with Rainbow Sprinkles is the one.

Chocolate Iced Glazed with Sprinkles Doughnut

Powdered Strawberry Filled Doughnut

Powdered Strawberry Filled Doughnut

270 calories, 15 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein

What’s a doughnut without filling, eh? Only 11 grams of sugar AND there’s strawberry filling too. For an indulgent treat, you can’t certainly do worse.

Traditional Cake Doughnut

290 calories, 18 grams of fat, 3 grams of protein

Alongside the Original Glazed, the Traditional Cake doughnut has the fewest grams of sugar among the varieties we studied. There’s a bump in calories but it safely makes our sub-300 calorie cut.

Traditional Cake Doughnut

Bonus point: all the above doughnuts are vegetarian, but not vegan, friendly.

Naturally, “Diet” and “Krispy Kreme” shouldn’t be in the same sentence, but here we are. No more feeling guilty when your coworker brings in a box of the Original Glazed or any of these Krispy Kreme treats. As long as you don’t overdo it, you won’t need to run an extra mile after work.